
From IndieWeb

Migrating Off Freenode was an IndieWeb meetup on Zoom held on 2021-05-26.

Session: IRC Migration




  • Primary: Get off of Freenode
  • Secondary: Reduce reliance on IRC entirely, let people join from multiple different clients (Matrix, Jabber, etc)

Easiest option today is because we have the channels set up and the staff is the same people who were running Freenode, this is the smallest change. +1


  • Matrix (main one)
  • Matrix (self-hosted)
  • IRC (self-hosted)
    • Cons: requires admin time to defend against abuse/attacks
  • IRC (Libera, OFTC)
  • Web logs as canonical, treat IRC as another channel like Slack


  • Single-nick gateways are a dealbreaker

Things to Switch


HWCs are starting in a couple hours. This could also be a good way to let people know about the change.


  • DONE: Update to link to new channels, with a note about the time for the switch, and note about Matrix bridge not being ready
  • Prepare a new bot to respond to chat messages in Freenode directing people to the new channels
    • Any time someone says something, say:
    • "This channel is no longer active. See for details"
    • Don't repeat the message more than once an hour
  • DONE: Make a Nickserv account for the Slack gateway

The Switch


  • Add a big notice to the newsletter

Please note that all contributions to this pad and other IndieWebCamp documents are considered to be released under the public domain according to CC0.

Homebrew Website Club
Events are listed on as of 2020-01
2024 01-03 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-10 🏰🎑 β€’ 01-13 🌌 β€’ 01-17 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-24 🎑 β€’ 01-31 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-07 🎑 β€’ 02-14 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 02-21 🎑 β€’ 02-28 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-13 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 03-20 🎑 β€’ 03-27 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-03 🎑 β€’ 04-08 πŸ“œ β€’ 04-10 🏰🎑🌎 β€’ 04-17 🎑 β€’ 04-24 🌎 β€’ 04-27 🌌 β€’ 05-01 🎑 β€’ 05-08 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-09 🌐 β€’ 05-15 🎑 β€’ 05-22 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-23 🌐 β€’ 05-27 πŸ“œ β€’ 05-29 🎑 β€’
2023 01-04 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-11🌎 β€’ 01-18 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-25 🌎 β€’ 02-01 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-08 🌎 β€’ 02-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-22 🌎 β€’ 03-01 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-08 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-22 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-29 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-05 🎑 β€’ 04-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-15 🌌 β€’ 04-19 🎑 β€’ 04-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-03 🎑 β€’ 05-10 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-17 🎑 β€’ 05-20 🌌 β€’ 05-24 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-31 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-07 🎑 β€’ 06-14 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-21 🎑 β€’ 06-28 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-01 🌌 β€’ 07-05 🎑 β€’ 07-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-19 🎑 β€’ 07-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-02 🎑 β€’ 08-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-16 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-26 🌌 β€’ 09-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-13 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-20 🎑 β€’ 09-27 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-04 🎑 β€’ 10-11 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-18 🎑 β€’ 10-25 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-01 🎑 β€’ 11-08 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-15 🎑🏰 β€’ 11-22 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-29 🎑 β€’ 12-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-13 🏰🎑 β€’ 12-20 🎑🌎
2022 01-05 🌎 β€’ 01-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-19 🌎 β€’ 01-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-02 🌎 β€’ 02-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-16 🌎 β€’ 02-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-02 🌎 β€’ 03-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-16 🌎 β€’ 03-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-30 🌎 β€’ 04-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-13 🌎 β€’ 04-20 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-27 🌎 β€’ 05-04 🧭 β€’ 05-11 🌎 β€’ 05-15 🌐 β€’ 05-18 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-25 🌎 β€’ 06-01 🧭 β€’ 06-08 🌎 β€’ 06-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-18 🌌 β€’ 06-22 🌎 β€’ 06-29 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-06 🌎 β€’ 07-13 🌎 β€’ 07-20 🌎 β€’ 07-27 🌎 β€’ 08-03 🌎 β€’ 08-10 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-17 🌎 β€’ 08-24 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-31 🌎 β€’ 09-07 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-14 🌎 β€’ 09-21 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-28 🌎 β€’ 10-02 🌌 β€’ 10-05 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-12 🌎 β€’ 10-19 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-26 🌎 β€’ 11-02 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-09 🌎 β€’ 11-16 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-23 🌎 β€’ 11-30 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-07 🌎 β€’ 12-14 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-21 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-28 🌎
2021 01-06 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-13 🌎 β€’ 01-20 🎑🌎 β€’ 01-27 🌎 β€’ 02-03 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-10 🌎 β€’ 02-17 🎑🌎 β€’ 02-24 🌎 β€’ 03-03 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-10 🌎 β€’ 03-17 🎑🌎 β€’ 03-24 🌎 β€’ 03-31 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-07 🌎 β€’ 04-14 🎑🌎 β€’ 04-21 🌎 β€’ 04-28 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-05 🌎 β€’ 05-12 🎑🌎 β€’ 05-19 🌎 β€’ 05-26 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-02 🌎 β€’ 06-09 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-16 🌎 β€’ 06-23 🎑🌎 β€’ 06-30 🌎 β€’ 07-07 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-14 🌎 β€’ 07-21 🎑🌎 β€’ 07-28 🌎 β€’ 08-04 🌎 β€’ 08-11 🌎 β€’ 08-18 🎑🌎 β€’ 08-25 🌎 β€’ 09-01 🌎 β€’ 09-15 🎑🌎 β€’ 09-22 🌎 β€’ 09-29 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-06 🌎 β€’ 10-13 🎑🌎 β€’ 10-20 🌎 β€’ 10-27 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-03 🌎 β€’ 11-10 🎑🌎 β€’ 11-17 🌎 β€’ 11-24 🌎 β€’ 12-01 🌎 β€’ 12-08 🎑🌎 β€’ 12-15 🌎 β€’ 12-22 🌎 β€’ 12-29 🌎
2020 2020-01 β€’ 2020-02 β€’ 2020-03 β€’ 2020-04 β€’ 2020-05 β€’ 2020-06 β€’ 06-17 🌴 β€’ 2020-07 β€’ … β€’ 08-05🌴 β€’ 08-12🌴 β€’ 08-19🌴 β€’ 08-26🌴 β€’ 09-02🌴 β€’ 09-09🌴 β€’ 09-16🌴 β€’ 09-23🌴 β€’ 09-30🌴 β€’ 10-07🌴 β€’ 10-14🌴 β€’ 10-21🌎 β€’ 10-28🌎 β€’ … β€’ 11-04 🌎 β€’ 11-11 🌎 β€’ 11-18 🌎 β€’ 11-25 🌎 β€’ 12-02 🌎 β€’ 12-09 🌎 β€’ 12-16 🌎 β€’ 12-23 🌎 β€’ 12-30 🌎
2019 12-22 β€’ 12-11 β€’ 12-04 β€’ 11-27 β€’ 11-21 β€’ 11-16 β€’ 11-13 β€’ 11-06&07 β€’ 10-30&31 β€’ 10-16&19 β€’ 10-02 β€’ 09-26 β€’ 09-18&19 β€’ 09-11&12 β€’ 09-04&05 β€’ 09-02 β€’ 08-28 β€’ 08-21 β€’ 08-19 β€’ 08-15 β€’ 08-07&08 β€’ 08-05 β€’ 08-01 β€’ 07-24&25 β€’ 07-22 β€’ 07-18 β€’ 07-10&11&13 β€’ 07-03&04 β€’ 06-26&27 β€’ 06-24 β€’ 06-20 β€’ 06-12&13 β€’ 06-10 β€’ 06-09 β€’ 06-06 β€’ 05-29&30 β€’ 05-27 β€’ 05-23 β€’ 05-15 β€’ 05-09 β€’ 05-01&02 β€’ 04-29 β€’ 04-25 β€’ 04-17&18 β€’ 04-15 β€’ 04-11 β€’ 04-03&04 β€’ 04-01 β€’ 03-28 β€’ 03-20&21 β€’ 03-06 β€’ 02-27 β€’ 02-20 β€’ 02-06 β€’ 01-23 β€’ 01-09
2018 12-26 β€’ 12-12&11 β€’ 11-28&27 β€’ 11-14&11-13 β€’ 10-31 β€’ 10-17&16 β€’ 10-10&09 β€’ 10-03 β€’ 09-19&18 β€’ 09-05 β€’ 08-22 β€’ 08-08 β€’ 08-01 β€’ 07-25 β€’ 07-11 β€’ 07-04 β€’ 06-27 β€’ 06-13 β€’ 05-30&29 β€’ 05-23 β€’ 05-16&15 β€’ 05-02&01 β€’ 04-18 β€’ 04-11 β€’ 04-10 β€’ 04-04 β€’ 03-27 β€’ 03-21 β€’ 03-14 β€’ 03-07 β€’ 02-21&20 β€’ 02-14 β€’ 02-07&06 β€’ 01-24&23 β€’ 01-11&10&09
2017 12-27 β€’ 12-14&13&12 β€’ 11-30&29 β€’ 11-22 β€’ 11-16&15 β€’ 11-01 β€’ 10-19&18 β€’ 10-05&04 β€’ 09-21&20 β€’ 09-13 β€’ 09-07&06 β€’ 08-23 β€’ 08-15 β€’ 08-09&08 β€’ 08-02 β€’ 07-26&25 β€’ 07-12&11 β€’ 06-28 β€’ 06-20 β€’ 06-14 β€’ 06-07&06 β€’ 05-31 β€’ 05-17 β€’ 05-10 β€’ 05-03 β€’ 04-26 β€’ 04-19 β€’ 04-12 β€’ 04-05 β€’ 03-22 β€’ 03-08 β€’ 03-02&01 β€’ 02-22 β€’ 02-14 β€’ 02-08 β€’ 01-25 β€’ 01-11
2016 12-28 β€’ 12-21 β€’ 12-14 β€’ 12-07 β€’ 11-30 β€’ 11-23 β€’ 11-16 β€’ 11-09 β€’ 11-02 β€’ 10-26 β€’ 10-19 β€’ 10-05 β€’ 09-21 β€’ 09-14 β€’ 09-07 β€’ 08-24 β€’ 08-17 β€’ 08-10 β€’ 07-27 β€’ 07-13 β€’ 07-06 β€’ 06-29 β€’ 06-15 β€’ 06-08 β€’ 06-01 β€’ 05-25 β€’ 05-18 β€’ 05-11 β€’ 05-04 β€’ 04-27 β€’ 04-20 β€’ 04-12 β€’ 04-06 β€’ 03-23 β€’ 03-09 β€’ 02-24 β€’ 02-10&09 β€’ 02-02 β€’ 01-27 β€’ 01-13
2015 12-30 β€’ 12-16 β€’ 12-08 β€’ 12-02&01 β€’ 11-24 β€’ 11-18&17 β€’ 11-10 β€’ 11-04&03 β€’ 10-21&20 β€’ 10-13 β€’ 10-07&06 β€’ 09-24&23 β€’ 09-17 β€’ 09-10&09 β€’ 09-03 β€’ 08-27&26 β€’ 08-20 β€’ 08-13&12 β€’ 07-29 β€’ 07-15 β€’ 07-01 β€’ 06-17 β€’ 06-03 β€’ 05-20 β€’ 05-06 β€’ 04-22 β€’ 04-08 β€’ 03-25 β€’ 03-11 β€’ 02-25 β€’ 02-11 β€’ 02-07-ko β€’ 01-28 β€’ 01-14
2014 12-17 β€’ 12-03 β€’ 11-19 β€’ 11-05 β€’ 10-22 β€’ 10-08 β€’ 10-05-par β€’ 09-24 β€’ 09-10 β€’ 08-27 β€’ 08-13 β€’ 07-30 β€’ 07-16 β€’ 07-02 β€’ 06-18 β€’ 06-04 β€’ 05-21 β€’ 05-07 β€’ 04-23 β€’ 04-09 β€’ 03-26 β€’ 03-19 β€’ 03-12 β€’ 02-26 β€’ 02-12 β€’ 01-29 β€’ 01-15
2013 12-18 β€’ 12-04 β€’ 11-20