2013-06-25 UTC
bnvk and erinjo joined the channel
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# 02:21 bret did any of the indiweb stuffs make it on hackernews or other news outlets/
bnvk and erinjo joined the channel
# 02:23 aaronpk I haven't seen anything yet. waiting for someone to write up a blog post about it I think
# 02:25 bret I started writing about the things that cought my attention, but I keep getting distracted by just working on my site
# 02:25 bret there is a bunch of jekyll fixes that I am trying to catch up on. So many old hacks to remove!
# 02:27 bret aaronpk, what is used to power the SMS authentication in indiauth?
# 02:28 bret also, is there a todo list for the wiki?
# 02:32 bret that page seems more like just for the wiki itself, I mean pages that need cleaning up/creation/consolodation
# 02:33 aaronpk also a lot of them may not be stubs anymore, sometimes peopel add stuff to the page and it gets pretty thorough and they don't take off the stub marker
# 02:34 bret im getting the impression there are a ton of informational gems that I come across, then lose track of consistently
erinjo, bizybee and bnvk joined the channel
# 03:39 bret I have done replies to barnaby, aaronpk, eschnou, and benwerd and it all works flawlessly. I can't get over that
# 03:40 bret is it possible to bounce indieweb comments to irc somehow?
# 03:41 aaronpk if you link to indiewebcamp.com and send a webmention they will show up
# 03:41 aaronpk i should do the same for indienews, then you could just post stuff there
# 03:41 bret Can you submit a link to indieweb? or do you have to link to your site
bnvk and caseorganic joined the channel
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# 06:20 Loqi vastly improved Microformats 2 parsing. #indieweb #idno
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# 06:42 bret im writing a response right now actually
# 06:43 benwerd I've just completely refreshed my webmention parsing code so I hope it works ;)
# 06:44 bret should I add any more MF to my posts?
# 06:45 bret it throws an error if its not in reply to something XD
# 06:46 benwerd for one thing, we're going to have indieweb events before too long, and you'll need to be able to rsvp ..!
# 06:51 bret or, what would you think the better target would be
# 06:53 benwerd It *should* have returned an error to you, but I'd better check that that's outputting properly
# 06:53 benwerd the error case is: no_link_found: The source URI does not contain a link to the target URI.
melvster joined the channel
# 07:00 bret is there something wrong with my microformats?
# 07:01 benwerd but what's happening is that the mf2 parser isn't finding a content field (for some reason it's not grabbing e-content)
# 07:01 benwerd but you do have a summary, so I'm going to fall back to that
# 07:02 bret i had a "spend hours on a single dumb mistake" day on sunday
# 07:02 bret benwerd: my microformats is totally hacky.... people kept saying to add stuff in irc
# 07:02 bret but for some reason I removed summary
# 07:05 bret but it looks like replying to the original thread would display better
# 07:10 bret benwerd: you implement these things at a furious pace! awsome
# 07:11 benwerd ha! thanks ;) I actually spent the day swearing at HTML5 media tags, so this kind of coding feels very recreational in contrast
# 07:12 bret i spend 3 hours putting p-author in the wrong place
# 07:15 benwerd I'm not going to tell you how long I've spent on this mf2 parsing stuff so far ...
# 07:19 benwerd unreasonably so. I haven't coded it slowly and deliberately enough to catch all the detail the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 57th times
# 07:19 benwerd this isn't because it's necessarily a hard coding job - it's more my own failure to go slow and take care over it
# 07:19 bret well, it really seems like you are building something that could be the wordpress of indiweb
# 07:20 bret im finding the whole MF1/2 thing confusing
# 07:21 bret there isnt a whole lot of live examples that A) take the context of indiweb commenting into account and B) dont mix up MF1/2 and random structure/style classes
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# 07:22 benwerd I'm treating it as a benefit of coming late to the party
# 07:22 bret i kind of just ran at the challenge with my eyes closed and copied all of the tags people had already implemented :?
# 07:23 bret it kind of says how resilient this shit is that even my asinine strategy worked for the most part
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# 07:23 benwerd your asinine strategy was exactly my asinine strategy
# 07:27 bret still, I :( every time the jekyll developers tell me they wont take pull requests for really awesome features
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# 07:34 bret benwerd: you still ace hotelin it up?
# 07:34 bret what is that weird door thing in your room?
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# 07:34 bret did you get your complimentary record player?
# 07:35 benwerd No, but I had to upgrade my room for tomorrow in order to stay an extra day
# 07:37 benwerd ... I don't think #indieweb means what they think it means
eschnou joined the channel
# 07:47 bret anyway benwerd, heading off to bed. If you need coffee in the morning, maybe we can run into each other at courier coffee a block away from ace :)
# 07:47 bret ill probrably be by there in the morning
# 07:48 benwerd at some point it'll catch up with me. But determined to make this post ...
gjones joined the channel
# 07:53 bret anyway, even if we don't convene on the place together, it would be a good addendum to the ace hotel to visit that place. they take tour groups through there, its great!
# 07:54 benwerd email's probably best, though cell is 312 488 9373
# 07:55 benwerd bret: Bailey's seem reasonable to propose for a meet again? Everyone definitely knows it by now
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# 11:53 acegiak pfefferle: I was able to send a pingback by curl so it's obviously wordpress not triggering the sends. I'll have to have a further look later into how that all happens
# 11:54 acegiak pfefferle: my hosting needs to be renewed sometime soon so I'm focusing on that first though because I want to set up my own DNS hosting rather than paying for it, seeing as I have quite a powerful server at home
# 11:56 pfefferle btw: error_log(print_r($data, true)."\n", 3, dirname(__FILE__) . "/log.txt")
# 11:56 acegiak I just don't have any experience with bind9 and am generally pretty poor at configuring server stuff, but once I get that worked out I'll be able to use subdomains per account and actually log in with indieauth
morrocco_mole joined the channel
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# 13:42 JonathanNeal I was looking at the different automated image compressors, Adept, toy / image_optim, imageoptim-cli. Do you use any of these? Would you recommend any?
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pdurbin, gjones, friedcell and tantek joined the channel
# 14:42 Loqi tantek: sandeepshetty left you a message on 6/24 at 2:02pm: I meant object-of-verb
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# 16:09 Loqi #indiewebcamp would like to chat about that sometime, maybe on Thursday?
# 16:09 Loqi #indiewebcamp would like to chat about that sometime, maybe on Thursday?
# 16:11 sandeepshetty how do ppl enter the timestamp when they sign wiki edits? manually or is there a macro for it?
# 16:11 tantek sandeepshetty - ~~~ = User: link, ~~~~ = User: link with timestamp
erinjo, hadleybeeman_ and bnvk joined the channel
# 16:32 bret it seems like I would post an rsvp on my site and send a web mention?
# 16:33 bret but I don't see any examples of that anywhere
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# 18:13 bret someone can do a gist or something and we can post the link she loqi returns
# 18:14 bret but lots of folks use it so I find it interesting to work in that space artificially
# 18:14 bret err i guess deliberately would be a better word
# 18:20 tantek (please feel free to edit/update accordingly)
# 18:25 bret could there be a http code redirect micro format?
# 18:25 bret maybe thats a terrible idea, i have no idea
# 18:26 bret I'm still trying to wrap my head around the rational for all these different things
eschnou joined the channel
# 18:31 bret IE, I want to delete a post. Remove it from my main post stream, delete the content, and replace with some "this content has been deleted text" and the appropriate http code equiv header, and then handle any kind of webmentions?
# 18:34 tantek so the return code itself is not in a header field
# 18:35 bret i'll probably save it for later, i have a bunch of process and UX stuff I need to work on
# 18:36 tantek otherwise this could work: <meta http-equiv="Status" content="HTTP/1.1 410 GONE">
# 18:37 fdevillamil No, http return code is in the status line, response-header is "a place where what didn't fit into the status line goes"
# 18:37 tantek but perhaps this might work as the first meta http-equiv: <meta http-equiv="HTTP/1.1 410 GONE"/>
# 18:38 tantek I don't know of any server that supports it but there's no reason they couldn't.
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# 18:39 bret tantek: ill take note of that and check it out
# 18:40 fdevillamil bret: since you want to work on gh-pages, why don't you just send the 410 using Javascript in an (almost) empty page?
# 18:40 grawity servers aren't going to support it at all, I think
# 18:40 bret i didn't know that was possible fdevillamil
# 18:40 grawity the meta tags are only interpreted by clients, afaik
# 18:42 fdevillamil bret: gh-pages are html pages, so I don't think anything prevents you from adding javascript there
# 18:42 bret fdevillamil: i know i can add JS, i wasn't aware that I could use JS to send the code.
# 18:43 grawity and using JavaScript to send HTTP response codes, no, that's not going to work at all :(
# 18:43 grawity ever the optimist
# 18:43 fdevillamil Didn't think about something: it must be server side since response code is sent before the page.
# 18:44 bret It seems like adding support for user control over a subset of http codes would be reasonable
# 18:44 fdevillamil But sending 410 on the server side + dedicated gone page is IMHO the good way to go.
# 18:44 bret considering a huge amount of open source projects host on github now
# 18:45 tantek grawity - I'm pretty sure some servers can be configured to sniff the meta http-equiv inside HTML files and use those for headers
# 18:45 grawity sure, they already sniff things like <?php ?> after all
# 18:45 grawity but if the server is configurable, then I wonder what's the point of such <meta> tags anyway
# 18:46 grawity a standard method for configuring the server, I guess?
# 18:46 tantek the point is it's easier to keep the configuration with the content than in a separate file
# 18:46 tantek Ruby's postulate: The accuracy of metadata is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the data and the metadata.
# 18:47 grawity and yet, putting a HTML parser in the server...
# 18:47 fdevillamil grawity: I've nver heard of a server parsing HTML to send information...
# 18:47 tantek plus we can always handle it at the webmention delete protocol level too
# 18:48 fdevillamil But updating content publishing tools to send 410 on deleted content should not be an important effort
# 18:48 tantek you can send a webmention for a resource, and even if it responds 200, if it has a meta http-equiv of a 410, then treat it as if the response status was a 410
# 18:49 tantek fdevillamil why not? Twitter depends on sending such "delete" messages in its proprietary streaming API
# 18:49 tantek how to delete content that's been syndicated into other sites
# 18:49 fdevillamil tantek: did I say the contrary? I'm currently updating my blogware to behave so.
# 18:50 Loqi fdevillamil meant to say: tantek: did I say the contrary? I'm currently updating my blogware to behave this way.
# 18:50 tantek fdevillamil - perhaps I misinterpreted "should not be an important effort"
# 18:50 grawity then maybe the webmention receiver should parse the page for <meta> tags, instead of the webserver doing so
# 18:51 grawity that way the parsing would be done only when necessary
# 18:51 tantek no problem at all - it's too easy for us native english speaking technical types to presume precisions in the use of english terms :)
# 18:52 grawity (also, <meta http-equiv="Status" content="410 Gone">, without the HTTP version
# 18:52 grawity just like CGI/FastCGI scripts do it)
# 18:52 tantek I'm thinking we could name this indieweb deletion protocol after Mark Pilgrim
# 18:53 fdevillamil Because the content is gone for a pilgrimage and never came back?
# 18:53 tantek the Pilgrim Protocol: when you delete a post on your site, send a webmention to all the links that were in the post, and be sure your post permalink returns a 410. if you receive a webmention for a URL which itself is 410 GONE when you attempt to retrieve it, then remove/tombstone any existing copies of it on your site.
# 18:54 tantek grawity - "just like CGI/FastCGI scripts do it" citation? I searched and didn't find any prior art.
# 18:54 tantek (I do like explicitly indicating "Status", and dropping the HTTP version)
# 18:56 grawity tantek: trying to find a link... when writing a CGI script (i.e. not mod_php but out-of-process), the status code is indicated by outputting a "Status" header, and the webserver converts it as necessary
# 18:57 grawity so this way would be already familiar to some webdevs
# 18:58 grawity and there's no need to put the HTTP version in there, when you don't even know if it's going to be HTTP/1.1 or 1.0 or SPDY/x.y
# 19:01 tantek grawity - awesome thanks for the ref. updating now.
# 19:03 bret tantek: do you know of any examples of microformat markup that I could use to reply to benwerd's event?
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# 19:07 tantek.com edited /deleted (+747) "use-case, flesh out the indieweb delete protocol AKA "Pilgrim Protocol", update to use http-equiv="Status" content="410 GONE"" (
view diff )
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# 19:22 grawity hmm, reading the recently-posted WebFist link
# 19:22 grawity it says Gmail doesn't implement Webfinger...but I thought Gmail was one of the first providers to implement it?
# 19:22 tantek ok IndieWeb commenters, here's details on how to handle deleting your comments, and how to enable others to delete the copies of their comments on your site. Please review and see if you can implement (both the deleting your own comments piece, and the receiving "delete" requests piece) http://indiewebcamp.com/deleted
# 19:23 bret grawity: brad and brett said it was, but was darklaunched
# 19:23 tantek cc: aaronpk benwerd bret fdevillamil tommorris
# 19:24 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 19:32 tantek and with that, I do believe we've now documented a Federated CRUD protocol for IndieWeb Comments :)
# 19:35 tantek yes bret, the D(elete) part of the CRUD for federated comments we can informally refer to as the "Pilgrim Protocol"
# 19:35 benwerd OK, seeing as there was an entire bold wiki section about not doing exactly what I did, I've been shamed into implementing 410
# 19:36 benwerd Oh, except it's not actually returning a 410 response code. So, er, hold that.
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# 19:40 benwerd tantek - Wait, what? No I haven't! I'm implement*ing* it
# 19:41 tantek I interpreted "That's better." as you having tested it in production :)
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# 19:59 benwerd tantek: No worries, I just uploaded my delete comment / like / share/ rsvp code
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# 20:15 tantek np - it's not always obvious. so many of those page names are cached in my head that linky linky is almost a reflex
# 20:17 benwerd OK, Portland is raining and I need food. Anyone got a quick recommendation for the Pearl? I'm at Public Domain Coffee right now.
# 20:18 tantek benwerd - try Foursquare Explore, and retarget it to The Pearl
# 20:18 tantek I've checked in a bunch in that area at places and it should show you preferentially the places that you're friends have been to,.
# 20:18 benwerd yeah, I'll do that (it's near-ish - kind of where I want to end up)
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# 20:33 bret benwerd: can you post an example note that has RSVP information?
# 20:37 aaronpk whoa! forgot I was looking for h-events on indienews
# 20:41 aaronpk must be looking for the name of the location some other way
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# 20:49 aaronpk am currently busy with real-world tasks ATM. tearing out the floor of my bathroom :)
# 20:53 bret i definitely just read that part the wrong way at first
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# 21:36 tommorris fdevillamil: I'd certainly like to go to a Paris one. the UK one is closer to me, but I won't be in the UK at the time. :(
# 21:36 fdevillamil tantek: not really, and I'll be on the move from one job to another, will just need to negociate this with my wife.
# 21:38 tommorris will be officiating a wedding in upstate New York while IndieWebCampUK is on.
# 21:38 tantek well either we should have them the same weekend and open a big G+ hangout between them (and use this same IRC channel) OR we should try to make them at least a few weeks apart to so people may be interested in going to both!
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# 21:42 tantek fdevillamil - I'm sure xtof would be interested in helping co-organize an IndieWebCampParis
# 21:48 tantek funny. though that's a good way to test a commenting webmention system
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# 21:52 fdevillamil Yes, they should not be too close from each other. Well, we'll see how it turns.
# 21:55 benwerd (I removed the old one by successfully testing 410 webmention delete, hooray)
# 22:00 fdevillamil tantek: will do. Need to catch up with xtof too, I haven't seen him since that sushi we did in Paris.
# 22:01 tantek fdevillamil wow! that was a while ago - and that was a great time.
# 22:03 fdevillamil tantek: sure it was. I've been so busy with work that I've left all side projects aside since then. Time to catch up. Hopefully your tweets allowed me to follow up on indieweb and things alike.
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# 22:14 aaronpk pulled in my comment on benwerd's site as a post from benwerd
# 22:15 benwerd yeah, I think that's probably a failure in my markup - it was meant to be a like
# 22:15 tantek shouldn't the lack of a rel=in-reply-to prevent that from happening
# 22:16 aaronpk looks like I wasn't checking for the in-reply-to, just checking for a link to my post
# 22:16 benwerd Mm, I add optional descriptions to my likes (going with more of a bookmarking metaphor)
# 22:16 benwerd yeah, I'm going backwards and forwards about that
# 22:16 aaronpk benwerd: in that case I would have expected your comment to appear as the h-entry content then
# 22:17 benwerd aaronpk: indeed - as I say, a failure in my markup ;)
# 22:17 aaronpk I think I originally implemented my comment thing to not require in-reply-to because nobody was publishing that yet :)
# 22:18 benwerd I took it out recently because I was getting webmentions from barnaby where the parser wasn't finding any in-reply-to
# 22:18 benwerd but having accidentally commented on a post today, I think I'll also put it back in
# 22:18 tantek aaronpk - you were displaying all mentions as comments?
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# 22:19 aaronpk I wouldn't say "as comments" because that implies there is a distinction between mentions and comments, which my site doesn't have
# 22:19 aaronpk so really that means I need to make a new UI for mentions
# 22:19 aaronpk ah yea, in my storage I have them marked separately, one is a "reply" and one is a "reference"
# 22:20 aaronpk I have an idea for how I want to display references/mentions
# 22:22 tantek in other markup news I made sure I was publishing both the u- and rel= in-reply-to and syndication markup on my posts
# 22:39 tantek the speed at which so many people are implementing all these indieweb features is blowing my mind.
# 22:42 bret yeah this is nuts. I bet I can get RSVP working before this evening
# 22:44 benwerd I think the weekend and all this late night hacking is beginning to take its toll
# 22:46 tantek benwerd - happy to buy you a coffee back here in SF
# 22:46 benwerd tantek: Always up for it - would be good to meetup again soon and compare notes
# 22:47 bret i understand if you cant hang out with portlands retired youth population
# 22:48 bret benwerd, should we move the event from baily's to backspace?
# 22:48 tantek how does an event propagate updates to RSVPs?
# 22:48 tantek so even if you just post an RSVP, you have to listen for webmentions from the event
# 22:49 tantek does the event have its own activity stream of such edits?
# 22:49 benwerd Interesting - so far webmentions have been from an annotation to a parent, basically
# 22:49 benwerd but this would be a parent talking back to its annotations
# 22:49 bret benwerd, dont blow a fuse before tonight
# 22:49 tantek "benwerd changed the location of the event from x to y"
# 22:50 benwerd I would be sorely tempted if I didn't have the day job ;)
# 22:52 aaronpk you know... if we solve sending updates about events from the parent to its annotations, that actually would be useful for way more than just changing event info
# 22:52 aaronpk we could have used that a lot for this indiewebcamp weekend already
# 22:53 aaronpk things like "Hey there is also this pre-party you may be interested in!" or "dinner at X" etc
# 22:53 bret tantek, not yet. I was waiting for an example rsvp before I tried. Now there is one, and I shall go off and make it work
# 22:54 tantek if we somehow got all the follow-up changes/notifications working as well as what people expect from silo events, this might serve as quite the awesome replacement
# 22:55 tantek so, this is why "events" are different than just a post with comments
# 22:55 tantek I don't really expect / want notifications of all the follow-up comments on every comment I make.
# 22:55 bret its like all of these little gems of technology and standards are coming together into something really fantastic
# 22:55 tantek direct replies to my comments sure, but not everything
# 22:56 tantek however, on an event, that you're RSVP'd to, you kinda want all the updates
# 22:56 aaronpk re: follow-up comments, I would want to be able to selectively get notifies of all comments though. sometimes I do want to follow a thread that closely
# 22:56 tantek we had to learn the hard way to stop trying to shove big boulders together to make things work
# 22:57 tantek aaronpk - presumably you could opt-in by subscribing to PuSH notifications of the feed on the post that you want to follow
# 22:57 benwerd tantek: totally in agreement - one of the joys has been that really, each little bit can be done in a single session, so you always see progress
# 23:01 tantek if people are talking about "heavy lifting" as a good thing and they're not talking about actual weightlifting, back away slowly.
# 23:02 bret is there going to be a tech crunch article on this past weekend?
# 23:05 tantek bret - we had a reporter from Wired there - so hopefully we'll see that
# 23:06 bret oh, i thoght he was from tech crunch. Thats nice ot hear its from wired
# 23:06 aaronpk i think he will be covering more than just the weekend, more about the whole indieweb idea in general
# 23:07 bret hopefully he catches on to whats happened today
# 23:11 bret aaronpk, all of the CRUD ideas, and events
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# 23:11 bret err i guess benwerd has some of the crud working
# 23:12 tantek but yes, in summary, I figured out CRUD for responses via webmention, and benwerd implemented it already. In addition to implementing event and RSVP posts. NBD.
# 23:22 bret the federated wiki looks really cool but I seriously don't understand how it works or what exactly it does
# 23:24 tantek bret - well, we haven't really explored non-time-centric content as much on indieweb
# 23:24 bret is the idea that everyone runs their own wiki, and can basicly fork and share edits with the other wikis easily?
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# 23:29 tantek like git except no cryptic commandline claptrap
# 23:30 tantek (aside: ironically really enjoying my shiny new "View on Twitter" links where I can see if there was any POSSE downstream activity)
# 23:31 tantek I didn't think the links would be that useful, but I'm using them a lot when I look at old posts.
# 23:31 tantek benwerd_ what about HTML PuSH? Do we need yet another duplicate data format/protocol?
# 23:32 benwerd_ I just haven't got jubjubhubbub out of my head since JSON push was mentioned earlier
# 23:33 benwerd_ hush would be way more practical - and would allow for a lot of reuse of our webmention / mf2 parsers
# 23:33 benwerd_ as opposed to hush which is a little bit goodnight moon.
# 23:39 aaronpk can you find an "i" word to add? then we can call it "PHiSH"
# 23:48 benwerd_ bret: Just wanted to reconfirm that I changed the location on the event
# 23:49 tantek wonders about downstream reply updates in general.
# 23:49 benwerd_ aaronpk: I wanted to give myself space to finish up work, although tbh things are winding down
# 23:50 tantek would someone who commented on a post in general want to be notified if the original post was updated?
# 23:50 tantek (not for all follow-up comments, just if the original was altered)
# 23:51 benwerd_ aaronpk: cool! once I know everything's clear (I'm watching a 10 GB+ video sync between servers) I'll wander over (cc bret)
# 23:52 aaronpk maybe I'll go there and implement RSVPs so I can RSVP to the event
# 23:54 acegiak hey so, I can't log in to the wikie, proposal to solve the awkwardness of "object-of-like": use "liked-by" and "favourited-by" or am I looking at it wrong?
# 23:55 benwerd_ those are semantically different: "liked-by" implies you're linking to the thing that's doing the liking - whereas in fact you're linking to the like target
# 23:56 acegiak yeah I'm looking closer and I've got the relationship backwards
# 23:56 tantek acegiak - yeah - it's a common problem with rel values - people get very confused about them quickly, hence the FAQ on microformats.org
# 23:58 acegiak ok so "object-of-like" in english semantics doesn't actually describe the relationship that it's trying to describe
# 23:58 benwerd_ tantek: to answer your question above, yes, I'd want updates no matter what, because (when I finally have proper reply-context) I want to update my reply context
# 23:59 acegiak becaues they're both actually describing the parent