
From IndieWeb

letsjam is a static site generator built by capjamesg that he previously used to build his site.

letsjam is now archived and no longer under development. It has been replaced by Aurora.

letsjam Features

letsjam takes a HTML or Markdown document and generates it into a full HTML page. Attributes such as a template to use for a page and the title of a page can be specified in front matter. These values are then carried over to the final page generated. If a template is specified, the contents of a document will be placed in the "content" area of the specified template.

Using letsjam, you can generate:

  • blog posts
  • non-article posts
  • posts in groups (i.e. likes or bookmarks)
  • date archive pages
  • sitemap
  • feeds
  • and more...

letsjam is designed to be similar to Jekyll in structure so that James could easily move his site from Jekyll to his own generator.

Using letsjam

The letsjam source code is open source on GitHub with instructions on how to install the generator.

IndieWeb Use

capjamesg uses letsjam for his personal website jamesg.blog.