2016-09-14 UTC
davidmead, AngeloGladding, KevinMarks_, wolftune, snarfed and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks_, snarfed and gRegorLove joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
tantek, snarfed, AngeloGladding, KevinMarks, Pierre-O and gRegorLove joined the channel
cweiske, tantek, pindonga, loicm_, friedcell, KevinMarks_, AngeloGladding, cmal, halorgium, Pierre-O, StatelessCat and goodoo joined the channel
ricardokirkner and friedcell joined the channel
goodoo, Pierre-O, mlncn, pindonga, friedcell and AndChat|566325 joined the channel
goodoo joined the channel
# 11:47 Zegnat What privacy setting makes your profile completely unavailable at its link? Makes little sense.
# 11:48 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] Going Silo-Private to Prefer the IndieWeb, Leave Silo Publics, and Pioneer Privacy on the Independent Web
# 11:51 jboy Returning 404 seems like the logical decision if you want to shield someone's privacy, no?
# 11:56 Zegnat I don't think 404 makes sense. Now it sometimes 404s, and sometimes not, depending on if you are logged in?
# 11:56 Zegnat Sounds like it needs Unauthorized or something.
# 11:57 Zegnat (I was just surprised when I noticed the link to my own Facebook no longer worked.)
frzn joined the channel
# 11:57 Zegnat Using tantek as an example because he does link to Facebook on tantek.com under elsewhere. Now that link returns 404, even though I expect he still has his account.
# 11:58 jboy If fb.com/zegnat returned 401 instead of 404, an attacker could know there's a profile with the name zegnat, which is what a privacy setting would be trying to hide.
# 12:01 Zegnat I do wonder what setting triggers this, as I have no recollection of disabling my profile. I set all things I post to only be accessible to friends, same with photos, etc. But I want to be able to link to the profile page still.
# 12:15 jboy Oh wait, a "Page" is not a profile page.
ncollig joined the channel
# 12:18 petermolnar can a webmention from url A to url B contain more than one webmention "content" ? ( I'm trying to figure out if it's safe to assume that a hash of concat(source,target) is unique )
# 12:19 cweiske like if you webmention with your full-text index page as source
# 12:20 petermolnar and in that case should each h-entry be a treated as separate webmention?
Pierre-O joined the channel
tantek and friedcell joined the channel
# 12:45 prtksxna GWG: Hey! What changes do you have in mind for the location plugin?
# 12:48 prtksxna GWG: I was thinking of redoing the UI myself. Just wanted to do some clean up to get started.
# 12:49 prtksxna GWG: So is the build PR going to mess with it in anyway?
# 12:49 GWG If you look at the development version, I started changing to a popup location box instead of it being below
# 12:49 prtksxna GWG: If you have the design plan out somewhere, I'd love to help implement.
# 12:50 prtksxna GWG: Dev version? You mean the master branch on github, right? I don't see any other branches
# 12:51 prtksxna GWG: I was thinking that we could have an interactive map to pin point the location. I needed that when posting old photos, makes it easier.
# 12:52 cweiske anyone using that on their public instance where I could have a look?
# 12:53 cweiske can you post a screenshot how it displays locations in posts?
# 12:55 cweiske thanks. what happens if you click on the location text?
# 12:55 prtksxna Which I am hoping becomes configurable at some point :)
# 12:56 cweiske do you know if it works together with the micropub plugin? can I post via micropub with a location property?
# 12:57 prtksxna I haven't tested it. But it uses the default WP location stuff, so it does work with the WP mobile app. I guess GWG could tell you more.
# 13:00 GWG It uses the default location for storing Geo data, as does the Micropub plugin
# 13:11 prtksxna GWG: Yep! So would you be alright if I add the interactive map interface? Or do you have something else in mind?
IgnaciodeNuevo joined the channel
hs0ucy, ricardokirkner, doesntgolf and KevinMarks joined the channel
goodoo joined the channel
# 13:56 GWG You can. That would not affect or could be as adapted for other changes.
# 13:58 prtksxna GWG: Cool, the build related changes should not affect anything else either, right?
# 13:58 GWG I don't think so, will check tonight.
# 13:59 IgnaciodeNuevo Hi there
AndChat|566325, Pierre-O, goodoo, shiflett and kapowaz joined the channel
# 15:33 kapowaz hello! I’m looking for assistance with Jekyll, specifically collections. I want to be able to specify a global layout file for all items in a given collection, but I can’t seem to see how to configure that globally.
# 15:34 voxpelli kapowaz: don't you usually specify layouts within each and every file in Jekyll? Haven't worked too much with collections, but that usually how I do it
# 15:35 kapowaz @voxpelli that’s something I want to avoid
# 15:35 kapowaz I want to reduce the fragility of it so that when individuals add items to the collections they don’t need to add a bunch of (otherwise) redundant config
# 15:36 voxpelli kapowaz: and then use Micropub to provide user friendly editors for the content
# 15:36 kapowaz hmm. Reading the docs it seems like it’s something it _should_ be able to do, it’s just it doesn’t go into details on how you specify a layout after the first collection
# 15:39 voxpelli kapowaz: added any indieweb things to your jekyll page?
# 15:40 kapowaz nope, I was just pointed to ask about this here by @KevinMarks because lots of indieweb folks use Jekyll :)
# 15:42 voxpelli kapowaz: cool :) whenever you want to get started with marking up your web page or add webmentions or micropub then that's all doable for Jekyll as well
# 15:42 kapowaz indeed, and I suspect there will be scope for adding more semantic markup for that kind of thing further down the line. For now I’m mostly just trying to get a relatively basic engineering blog up and running for my company
cweiske and tantek joined the channel
# 15:49 cweiske !tell aaronpk in micropub, if the "slug" is already taken - should the server silently ignore it and create its own slug, or throw an error?
# 15:49 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 15:50 voxpelli cweiske: sounds like that could be up to the server to decide
# 15:50 cweiske the wordpress MP plugin silently creates it own slug, "slug-2" and so
# 15:51 voxpelli if the server needs advice on how to handle it: Throw an error. if the server thinks it can handle it nicely: Then by all means, move ahead and deal with it
# 15:51 voxpelli cweiske: and I replace the current content at the slug ;) (as an optional feature)
# 15:51 GWG cweiske, it is WordPress that does that, not the plugin specifically
# 15:53 KevinMarks That implementation variation sounds like we should tighten up the intent - overwriting seems tricky when there is a separate documented way to do that.
# 15:54 GWG The specification probably should address collision
# 15:54 tantek GWG, agreed. cweiske - worth filing a micropub issue for that.
# 15:55 kapowaz @KevinMarks I thought so too, but it appears to ignore it when I add another scope
# 15:55 KevinMarks And eg silo.pub can't make twitter have slugs that aren't giant integers too big for js
# 15:56 GWG The WordPress solution, as mentioned, is to add something to the end
# 15:56 kapowaz maybe, I’ll try reversing it
# 15:56 voxpelli as long as the spec leaves room for endpoints to handle it silently without throwing an error then it could probably spec what to do with a collision that the server can't handle
# 15:56 tantek GWG, maybe note that in the issue on micropub as a solution
# 15:57 voxpelli Currently I have instead chosen to replace existing document at that slug instead – a bit more user hostile, but comes with other benefits
# 15:58 voxpelli good if spec leaves some room for Postel's law to be applied
# 16:00 kapowaz okay it looks as though the reason the existing collection (guidelines) worked is because they _do_ specify the layout per-page… *eyeroll*
# 16:01 tantek voxpelli: seem dangerous to *allow* unintentional user content loss
# 16:01 tantek when there's already an explicit update mechanims
# 16:01 voxpelli tantek: only if the user hasn't explicitly opted for it
# 16:02 voxpelli and not all clients are able to do a proper update, for some a replace is the way to go
# 16:02 voxpelli my Editorial.app Micropub implementation would probably have a hard time with a more proper update – it just does the same save each time
catsup joined the channel
# 16:13 Loqi aaronpk: cweiske left you a message 24 minutes ago: in micropub, if the "slug" is already taken - should the server silently ignore it and create its own slug, or throw an error?
# 16:13 Loqi A slug is a series of words in a permalink URL, usually at the end, that are from or representative of the name or text of a post, and thus part of an overall URL design https://indieweb.org/slug
# 16:14 aaronpk so treating it as a unique identifier is usually not what things do
# 16:16 aaronpk My site has no concept of a slug already being taken, since I have additional components of the URL that identify the post
# 16:17 aaronpk Ultimately I think this up to the server to decide how to handle it tho
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:25 voxpelli if the server wants to display the slug collision as a validation error though – then it seems like it can't communicate that to the user?
# 16:26 voxpelli error_description is meant for devs only and there's no field for an error facing validation error
# 16:26 michel_v I'd rather have a warning notification with a possibility to change the slug
# 16:27 michel_v "hey that slug whatever was already taken, we've changed your slug to whatever2 (or whatever3 etc), you may change the slug if you want something unique"
# 16:28 michel_v think about the user with a bad browser that would wipe a form after using the back button, or other stupid handlings of forms
# 16:28 voxpelli maybe – or just limit it to success or error and not have the success with warnings case
# 16:29 voxpelli it's fairly rare to annotate success responses in an API with warnings
# 16:32 michel_v "Warnings in the user's preferred character set take priority" holy cow, how would you decide to add warnings in multiple character sets in the headers?
snarfed and Pierre-O joined the channel
loicm_, friedcell and mlncn joined the channel
# 17:44 tantek whoa who put the new defaiult text template in the etherpads? very cool!
Lana, mlncn and gRegorLove joined the channel
snarfed1, AndChat|566325 and KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 18:24 KevinMarks1 I'm pretty sure it is a parody, but I have seen odder things built
# 18:25 KevinMarks1 note alt fail from adactio's post
# 18:26 KevinMarks1 so, how do we redeploy indiewebify.me? I know gregor was changing it
# 18:28 snarfed1 KevinMarks: afaik it's set up to auto deploy on git push
# 18:28 snarfed1 aaronpk can confirm
goodoo joined the channel
# 18:34 gRegorLove It's audo-deploy on merge, yes, but there was an issue with it when I tried. aaronpk knows, so it's on his list :)
shiflett, tantek and bjoern joined the channel
# 18:47 cweiske yeah I got distracted at fixing the last search issues by micropub
# 18:52 KevinMarks1 it says the log is too long
# 18:55 KevinMarks1 not very informative error
# 18:57 KevinMarks1 I have a new endpoint
# 19:29 aaronpk I should make it report successful deploys in IRC
# 19:44 KevinMarks1 and unsuccessful ones
# 19:44 KevinMarks1 packaging chrome extensions is a pain the neck
# 19:45 snarfed1 as an example, circleci reports bridgy, granary, etc builds in #bridgy
# 19:47 KevinMarks1 of course, now it shows lots more red X's
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:51 KevinMarks1 as the https to http thing was not showing anything
j12t joined the channel
# 20:21 j12t KevinMarks: when do we start tonight? Website is confused about 17:30 vs 18:00 vs 28:30.
# 20:22 KevinMarks1 28:30 is interesting
# 20:25 KevinMarks1 17:30 writing time, 18:30 start I think. We have the room for a bit longer than 19:30
# 20:26 KevinMarks1 it's TWiG time
# 20:26 j12t Ok, I added my own version of the confusion.
# 20:27 KevinMarks1 hm, posse'd RSVp not so good
# 20:29 gRegorLove Wait, that was already merged. In theory it should be in the latest indiewebify-me deployment, unless it doesn't update composer packages
# 20:33 aaronpk gRegorLove: it probably won't update dependencies on an install. You'd have to run the update locally and then commit the new composer file
# 20:36 aaronpk as long as the composer.json file allows that update
# 20:39 aaronpk I should make it sort the photos by the number of likes they get
# 20:40 tantek since the photos are retrieved from the event pages?
# 20:40 tantek and the pages to support receiving fragmentions
# 20:43 KevinMarks1 svgur.com supports webmentions of the images
# 20:44 KevinMarks1 anything for TWiG?
# 20:46 aaronpk KevinMarks1: you should just start summarizing the last week's newsletter for twig
# 20:49 KevinMarks1 well, it's pretty much events
# 20:50 j12t kevinmarks: if you are looking for a current news story, this week are the battling ownCloud/nextCloud conferences in Berlin.
# 20:52 aaronpk KevinMarks1: there's probably interesting things you could talk about if you look at the wiki changes
# 20:52 KevinMarks1 shpub sloph WARC
# 20:54 cweiske founder of owncloud left the company and took 9 of the 10 devs with him
# 20:54 aaronpk naming tip: if your product name is "next ____" then by the time your product actually replaces the ____ then that term will sound out of date
# 20:56 snarfed we actually work with a totally serious vendor called PWNHealth at my day job
# 20:56 snarfed none of the engineers can ever manage to say it with a straight face
# 21:03 j12t So ownCloud has their conf this week, and nextcloud starting on the weekend, in the same place, as far as I can tell. I have a talk there but won't see it as I'm just sending the video instead myself...
# 21:05 KevinMarks1 do I make verify-me my thing of the week?
# 21:08 KevinMarks1 can we take the traffic?
AngeloGladding joined the channel
ricardokirkner joined the channel
# 21:21 KevinMarks1 ah, I was running the old plugin
# 21:25 Loqi www has -1 karma (-3 in this channel)
goodoo, snarfed, tantek and KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 22:26 KevinMarks1 tempted to demo woodwind+silo.pub but that may be too much
mlncn and AngeloGladding joined the channel
# 22:47 KevinMarks1 j.mp/indieme is the shortcut to the rel-me plugin
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 23:18 GWG Greetings for the next time today
KevinMarks joined the channel
awolf joined the channel