#indieweb 2024-05-18

2024-05-18 UTC
geoffo, Guest862, sennomo, aldur, cygnoir, aldur0, joj_, hacdias_, sdk-, ocra8_, push-f_, oenone_, Zegnet, leitly, schelcj, [tw2113], distopico_, ancarda_, eb_, javivi, Guest1350_, shreyasminocha_, tjwds4, arieh0, lanodan_, sebbu2, oodani_, suki_, paulgrmn_, rjomara583, chenghiz__, revi_, mdemo7, asarandi2, chimo_, _standingdesk[d], helveticamono_, milkii_, gerben_, RapidRotator_, revi, tyil, flowji, bacardi55[m], BANnNEDoi`_, eitilt, mdemo and GuestZero joined the channel; leitly and BANnNEDoi`_ left the channel