#indiewebcamp 2011-11-25

2011-11-25 UTC
voxpelli, danbri, peck_lx, peck_lx_, josephboyle and danbri_ joined the channel
tantek: Was there any discussion of indieweb commenting at indiewebcamp? Possibly related to Web Actions...
aaonpk, indeed there was, from several perspectives
as part of the ownyourdata (even your comments) perspective
from a publish own site syndicate everywhere (posse? just made that up ;) ) perspective (when you post comments on your own site first, what's the best way to syndicate them out to the site that they're commenting on, and other comment/review sites as well)
and then from a UI perspective on your own site - providing the ability for *others* to write a comment on one of your posts, and have it posted first/primarily to that other person's personal site, with a copy on your own site
the latter is perhaps the bit that overlaps with web actions
brennannovak joined the channel
but yeah, the pure peer-to-peer indieweb post/comment ecosystem is something yet to be figured out.
the closest we've gotten to that in the past is trackbacks/pingbacks, but even there, I don't know of any blogging systems which would treat their comment box as a *post* authoring box for your own blog (e.g. via the Metaweblog API), but that's certainly worthy of an experiment (plugin? perhaps there already is a WordPress plugin to do so but I don't know of any)
I'm not a big fan of current comment system UIs in general, so this is a good opportunity to rethink/simplify/indiefy them.
also not sure if indiefy should instead be spelled "indyfy" or perhaps "indefy"
as in
if simplify means "To make simpler, either by reducing in complexity, reducing to component parts, or making easier to understand" - http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/simplify
then indefy could mean "to make more independent, either by reducing dependencies or reducing to independent parts."
(btw on that whole thread, I still feel like getting Salmon working is too hard for posting comments upstream)
(or maybe *I* just don't get it)
singpolyma, danbri and adam_w joined the channel