#indiewebcamp 2011-09-14

2011-09-14 UTC
sivy_, danbri, DawnFoster, singpolyma, reidab, FatBusinessman, aaronpk, hober, lmorchard, voxpelli, wajiii, wajiii_, wajiii-afk, sivy, peck_lx and spinnerin joined the channel
!tell tantek Can we talk briefly today about the oauth book? Get in touch here or IM, thx!
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
sivy joined the channel
Loqi is just the nicest bot ever :)
isn't he? :)
peck_lx, singpolyma and FatBusinessman joined the channel
spinnerin_ and tantek joined the channel
tantek: aaronpk left you a message 2 hours, 44 minutes ago: Can we talk briefly today about the oauth book? Get in touch here or IM, thx!
singpolyma, wajiii, danbri, quartzjer, josephboyle, Loqi and spinnerin_ joined the channel