#indieweb 2024-06-01

2024-06-01 UTC
jgee118692253458, Prullenman1, barnabywalters, teasea_, cygnoir_, schmudde, sennomo and aldur joined the channel
hello and welcome all!!
Random question. So I'm assuming the ICC / slack integration is done with a Discord Hook or something similar. Is there a way to change the profile icon to something like from ICC or from Slack with different colours to help prevent the feed from being filled with default blue default discord icons?
Is there a way and would someone like to / be willing to do it?
We use this https://github.com/qaisjp/go-discord-irc happy to talk more in #indieweb-meta
[preview] [qaisjp] go-discord-irc: The Discord and IRC bridge with puppets! An IRC user is created for each Discord user, messages from IRC seamlessly appear on Discord, and Discord mentions are automagically converted to and from IRC.
[aciccarello] and mdemo joined the channel