2011/One-Click Install of your IndieWeb Site

From IndieWeb

One-Click Install of your IndieWeb Site was one of the idea brainstorming sessions at IndieWebCamp 2011.

Wordpress five-minute install

Wordpress's famous five-minute install is the bar for how easy it should be to get your own instance of a personal indie website. Our job is to make it at least that simple or we will exclude all but the most technically savvy. This session was dedicated to identifying a UX flow so we can start building a working prototype.

WORDPRESS MODEL of custom installation

  • download the zip
  • have domain & hosting
  • upload files via FTP
  • set up a dbase via cpanel
    • Falcon uses a flat file db architecture that removes this step

Info for an install

INITIAL INFO that must be gather from user

  • name
  • email
  • password
  • domain
  • hosting credentials
  • payment for hosting ?

Open questions


  • Is there a indieweb subdomained model similar to subdomain.tumblr.com that would make an indieweb site available to those not willing or able to do their own custom install?
  • What language/stack? PHP favored for its low cost of hosting. Other options include github and AWS bc it has a completely web-based interface and would eliminate the need for users to understand FTP.
  • How far can we get with just static hosting and a CNAME, with a CPU at home doing smart stuff? (ie. Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files, NearlyFreeSpeech.net)
  • Are VMs unreasonable to build on? Consider Vagrant + Puppet. Build a friendlier installer around Amazon EC2, Rackspace Cloud Servers, or even a home PC running VirtualBox + pagekite.net

see also