
From IndieWeb

We'll schedule the sessions on the day of the camp! See Schedule for an overall outline of the timeslots. Feel free to brainstorm ideas of sessions you'd like to talk about, or you'd like someone else to talk about.

See: 2014 Online Schedule


Add your session ideas for things you want lead a discussion about. Be sure to add your name.


Proposed by: thedod

Discussion of security concerns in Indieweb. This would include Indieauth, Tor, Vouch, etc.


Proposed by: Ben Roberts

messaging refers to one user sending another user a message (memo, letter, etc.). There are numerous technologies for such personal messaging.

  • Discussions of private messaging and a possible extension to Indieauth to reduce concurrent calls
  • Discussion of a private real time chat. The conclusion of many was that this may be better done by interfacing with existing protocols over a using the private messaging discussed above.
  • Suggestion for microformat markup for selective portions of a post to indicate the intent of the author in regards to what can be shared/reposted, to be expanded under private posts


Proposed by: Aaron Parecki

Micropub is an open API standard that is used to create posts on one's own domain using third-party clients. Discussion of CRUD implementation and other considerations.


Proposed by: David Shanske

Discussion of comments-presentation, reply-context as a matter of designs. Oembed as a tool for presentation.

Session Title

Proposed by: ___



If you are interested in a topic but do not feel like you can lead the discussion, add it here.


Requested by: thedod Facilitator: Tantek Çelik

Discuss while learning the art of wiki page editing with Tantek Çelik.

Wrote up notes and advice during IndieWebCamp Online: wikifying

Session Topic

Requested by: ___


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